Fermenters of Central Connecticut (F.O.C.C.T.)
Fermenters of Central Connecticut is a club based around sharing knowledge, techniques, and final products of all types of fermentations: beer, wine, cider, mead, fermented food, and more.
We meet at 7:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of every month at Brew and Wine Hobby in East Hartford. Each meeting is focused around a particular topic followed by an open sharing and discussion of anything, whether or not it fits the month's topic. Check the Calendar for our upcoming meetings and information on our past meetings.
These meetings are open to anyone and we welcome all levels of skill, from the prospective brewer considering the hobby to a life long vintner.
Knights of the Mashing Fork
Founded in October 2005 and still very active, The Knights of the Mashing Fork (KotMF) are a central Connecticut homebrewing club whose members are passionate about making and drinking great beer! Named after the first guild for brewers, the original Knights of the Mashing Fork was formed in Brabant, Belgium during reign of Duke Jean I or "Gambrinus", the so-called King of Beer and inventor of the "toast" as a social custom.
Middlesex Malters
We are a homebrew club that supports homebrewers throughout central Connecticut. All who are interested (and 21 or older), whether you have no brewing experience at all and want to learn or are a seasoned homebrewer, are welcome to join. No dues are charged for membership. The club meets (generally) on the 4th Friday of each month.
Krausen Comandos