Vintner's Harvest Peach Puree
Vintner's harvest Peach puree 3 lbs 1 oz
Ingredients: Peaches, Ascorbic Acid, Citric Acid
Description: Aseptic Peach Puree is prepared from ripened, washed, sorted, peeled, and pitted peaches. The fruit is pureed and passed through finishers to achieve desired texture. The product contains no preservatives. Puree is processed through a final finisher screen that is 0.033â€Â.
Process: Puree is pasteurized at 190?F or higher for a minimum 20 seconds. Puree is cooled and aseptically packaged. Aseptic puree is guaranteed to comply with FDA, Juice HACCP: 21 CFR Part 120, applicable state and local laws and regulations.