Phoenix (UK)
Phoenix Hops comes from the Wye College in Kent, England. Wye College has produced some excellent varieties including this one, which was taken as a seedling of Yeoman Hops. Phoenix Hops was bred as a replacement for Challenger as it is much more resilient to disease and fungus.
Phoenix Hops is a dual purpose hops variety and has a well rounded character. With an alpha acid content at 8.5%-13.5% this variety can add some gusto to beers needing a hop kick. It is compared to Challenger Hops which has some spice to it. The aroma from Phoenix hops is tempered with an English style about it. The farnesene oil registers in this hops variety at 1.0%-1.4%, which itself is known for aromas such as magnolia flowers, citrusy, green, and woody. These notes are more subdued after blending with the moderate composition of the other essential oils.