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The ExChilerator uses 3/4 PEX tubing and a 10 guage non metallic wire woven in a co-helical manner around the inner 3/8 ID copper tubing.
Inner 3/8 tubing is coiled inside the outer 3/4 PEX tubing on a machine that does not create any kinks or nooks were trub and hop matter can gather unlike the convoluted and plate designs. The Exchilerator lets you whirlpool those real hoppy worts with out fear of plugging.
The stainless temp gauge,1/2 s/s ball valve,1/2 s/s tee,1/2 s/s close nipple, mounting brackets with screws, roll teflon tape, 1/2 brass female NPT x male garden hose adapter and a 1/2 brass female NPT x female swivel garden hose adapter makes adapting your brewery to the Exchilerator very easy.                                                                 Â
Unlike garden hose designs the waste water can be repurposed because the PEX will not give you a harsh chemical smell and taste. PEX is also rated at 100PSI at 180 F. All this is important if your plan is to use the Exchilerator in a HERMs system
The 16' MINI is best for:
5 Gallon Brewers
Gravity feed
Cooler/Mid-Range Tap Temps
The 25' MAXX is best for:
5-20 Gallon Brewers
Gravity or Pump Feed
Works great with Chugger Pump!
Warmer Tap Temps
The "BRUTUS" | Double Barrel 225
Bigger is better! Brutus has two 3/8" x 25' lengths of copper tubing as its core encased in 1" PEX. This feature gives twice the surface area and twice the flow rate of the Maxx. Tests were performed with 72 degree chilling liquor produced 1 gallon of 76 degree wort in approximatly 1 minute 25 seconds. With 61 degree chilling liquor it produces 1gallon of 68 degree wort every 30 seconds. I was limited by pump output!Â