Palisade (US)
Palisade Hops is a product of the Yakima Chief Ranch in the north western United States. The name Palisades means a strong wooden fence, literally, and is a cross between Tettnanger, and an American hops variety via open pollination. Palisade Hops is also known as YCR-4 and marks yet another versatile hop variety from the Yakima Farm.
Palisade Hops borders the line on being a dual use hops, and it associated with beer styles such as India Pale Ales, but more for the complex but subdued flavor profile and aroma than the bitterness. The alpha acid content in Palisade ranges from 5.5%-9.5%, and has a co-humulone content at 24.0%-29.0%, which is somewhat low. Palisade Hops can be used in early kettle additions in the wort, and is going to perform well at later additions or during dry-hopping in the fermentor or keg. The myrcene oil content is rather low, however it does not take away from the herbal, grassy character. Palisade Hops is associated with sweet nectar fruits with hints of citrus. The bouquet will also a deliver a punch of floral perfume to the brew, likely something that is fairly aggressive on the hops